Schedule your consultation with the Law Office of Eshigo P. Okasili, LLC.
We can assist you with a variety of matters in Silver Spring and surrounding areas.
Reach out to the Law Office of Eshigo P. Okasili, LLC today with questions
and concerns about your situation or how an attorney can help you. We
conduct all consultations remotely (by telephone, video conference and
in writing).
If you prefer an in-person consultation, we can accommodate you. However,
due to health concerns regarding COVID-19, we are required to disclose
the identity and other personal information of those who have been in
contact with us, if any of us tests positive for the coronavirus. If you
have privacy concerns or are, otherwise, uncomfortable about disclosing
your information, we will gladly schedule your telephonic or virtual consultation,
as soon as you are ready to get in touch with us.